Recent Storm Damage Posts

Top 4 Tips to Staying Safe During a Flood

3/3/2025 (Permalink)

Although it doesn’t rain often here in the Golden State, when it does, people aren’t always prepared for the worst. One of the worst situations you can find yourself in is being a victim to an unexpected flood that can destroy your car and house in a matter of minutes. 

This is why it’s important to understand floods and how you can prepare yourself to protect your family and assets.

Even Though there are many types of flooding, these are the two main types you should be aware of: 

1) Flash Floods

Flash floods occur when rainfall rises rapidly due to a lack of soil or vegetation which allows torrential rains to flow overland rather than penetrate the ground.

2) River Floods

River flooding is excessive rain that rises slower over a large area and develops from longer-lasting rainstorms, which is common in areas with wetter climate. Since Southern California is an area of dry climate and rocky terrain, it’s more prone to flash floods.

Here are some helpful tips to protecting yourself against a flash flood:

  1. Always be aware of your surroundings! Sometimes water can hit you from any direction. 
  2. Avoid driving or walking through floodwaters. You never know what’s floating around in there.
  3. Move to higher ground as soon as you get a chance. 
  4. If you happen to be in your vehicle when the flood hits, stay inside your car. If the water starts to rise, seek protection on the roof.


According to Ready, only 6 inches of moving water can literally push you down, and only ONE foot of moving water can sweep up your vehicle.

Enjoy the rain and stay safe!

For more information or help navigating a flood situation, reach out now and we would love to help you!

Flood Insurance in California! Is it Worth it?

10/3/2022 (Permalink)

Out of 365 days of the year, California experiences sunny weather for 284 days. So what is the point of getting flood insurance when there is so little rain? 

To start, mortgage companies may require you to purchase flood insurance as part of the loan agreement, especially if your house is in a flood zone. A common mistake that some homeowners make is thinking that their home insurance covers flood, but that’s not always the case - and sometimes you don’t find that out until it’s too late. 

If you run into a flood scenario without insurance, you may have to pay an upfront payment for this kind of water damage, which could cost you up to $10,000

To most people’s surprise, flood insurance is affordable and usually purchasable through the National Flood Insurance Program. The average cost for an insurer is $793 per year and the options can be tailored to your home and flood zone. 

A flood insurance policy covers several risks faced by California homeowners:

1) Overflow of inland and tidal waters, such as rivers that can flood during heavy rain.

2) Mudflow over areas that are normally dry

3) Levee breaks

Something to keep in mind is that events such as a sinkhole or landslide will not be covered by the NFIP flood insurance policy. This will require additional coverage, for example, earthquake insurance.

So the big question, is it worth it? 

According to the California Department of Water Resources, every county in California has experienced a federally declared flood disaster within the past 20 years. 

These floods have caused rivers to overflow and damage thousands of homes at a time. These damages can easily cost thousands of dollars that you would have to pay out of pocket instead of having a portion of it covered by insurance. So unless you have a significant rainy day fund, it would be worth it to buy flood insurance to avoid unnecessary fiscal stress.

For more information or help navigating a flood situation, reach out now and we would love to help you! 

Top 3 Tips To Keep Your Home Safe From A Flood!

9/14/2022 (Permalink)

Flood Extraction This flooded area was caused by a storm.

Although it doesn’t rain often here in Orange County, when it does, people aren’t always prepared for the worst. One of the worst situations you can find yourself in is being a victim to an unexpected flood that can destroy your home in a matter of minutes. 

This is why it’s important to understand floods and how you can prepare yourself to protect your family and assets.

Even though there are many types of flooding, these are the two main types you should be aware of: 

1) Flash Floods

Flash floods occur when rainfall rises rapidly due to a lack of soil or vegetation which allows torrential rains to flow overland rather than penetrate the ground.

2) River Floods

River flooding is excessive rain that rises slower over a large area and develops from longer-lasting rainstorms, which is common in areas with a wetter climate. Since Southern California is an area of dry climate and rocky terrain, it’s more prone to flash floods.

Here are 3 helpful tips for protecting your home from a flash flood:

  1. Keep those gutters clean! The most common reason homes begin experiencing a flood is because their first method of defense is dirty. Make sure all parts of the gutters are cleared from debris, especially the downspout!
  2. Purchase sandbags or flood barriers to keep large moving waters from entering your home! Having either of these at entrances such as the front door or garage will keep water from flooding through.
  3. Make sure the storm drain is cleared from debris. Usually, during a storm or flood, large amounts of debris is collected along the flow of water. Well, that debris gets carried to your nearest storm drain (located on the street) and clogs it up! 


According to Ready, only 6 inches of moving water can literally push you down, and only ONE foot of moving water can sweep up your vehicle.

Enjoy the rain and stay safe!

For more information or a free consultation call 949-474-7776